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Brokstedt knife attack trial lasts until April

Ibrahim A. has been on trial at Itzehoe District Court since July. He is accused of a fatal knife attack on a regional train in Brokstedt. The proceedings will drag on into next year.

Ibrahim A. (3rd from left), defendant in the trial for the fatal knife attack on a regional
Ibrahim A. (3rd from left), defendant in the trial for the fatal knife attack on a regional train in Brokstedt, Schleswig-Holstein.

In the trial surrounding the fatal knife attack on a regional train in Brokstedt, Schleswig-Holstein, the district court has scheduled further hearings until the end of April 2024. Initially, hearings were scheduled until this December. The extensive trial with several dozen witnesses began in July. The hearing of evidence will continue on Monday with the questioning of a forensics officer, as the district court announced on Friday.

The Palestinian Ibrahim A. must answer for two counts of murder and four counts of attempted murder. The public prosecutor's office accuses the then 34-year-old of stabbing a 17-year-old girl and her boyfriend, who was two years older, to death on January 25, 2023 near the Brokstedt train station. Two other women and two men suffered serious injuries. The prosecution is convinced that Ibrahim A. acted with base motives and malice aforethought.

During the trial, numerous passengers reported how they experienced the horrific act of bloodshed. Police officers and rescue workers also reported their perceptions.

Trial dates

Lesen Sie auch:

  1. The case of criminality surrounding the deadly knife attack in Brokstedt, Schleswig-Holstein, is currently undergoing thorough proceedings at the itzehoe regional court.
  2. The extensive court proceedings for Ibrahim A., who is accused of two counts of murder and four counts of attempted murder following a knife attack, will continue until April 2024.
  3. The itzehoe regional court announced that the hearing of evidence will continue with the questioning of a forensics officer, as part of the trial for the Brokstedt knife attack that occurred near the train station.
  4. The trial processes for the Brokstedt knife attack, which involves several dozen witnesses and has been ongoing since July, will now extend beyond the initial scheduled hearings until the end of December.


