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Broken into Town Hall letterbox, 100 election papers now exposed to rain

A mystery offender breached the mailbox outside Wilhelmsdorf city hall (Ravensburg district) overnight on Sunday. Approximately 100 postal voting papers for the EU and local elections ended up discarded on the pavement after this incident, according to authorities' disclosure on that day. The...

A sign with the inscription "Post postal voting documents here" hangs on the letterbox of a polling...
A sign with the inscription "Post postal voting documents here" hangs on the letterbox of a polling station.

Polls or Voting Processes - Broken into Town Hall letterbox, 100 election papers now exposed to rain

Around 50 letters showed a discrepancy between the number of envelopes for the local election and those for the European elections. It's crucial to figure out if the culprit stole ballot papers or if the voters solely participated in one of the two elections.

The authorities responsible for elections were notified about the situation by the police. Investigations have begun, and they're currently looking for witnesses.

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The incident occurred in the County of Ravensburg, leaving 100 election documents vulnerable to the rain on a Sunday. This occurrence could potentially impact the elections in both the local and European levels in Baden-Württemberg. The county's municipalities are closely monitoring the situation as this incident may influence the election outcomes. The county police are looking into the matter, treating it as a potential crime to safeguard the integrity of the EU elections.

