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Broad majority for new leadership: Greens breathe a sigh of relief

It was not easy. After weeks of wrangling, the Greens have elected a new state executive committee. A number of difficult tasks await the new dual leadership in particular.

Philmon Ghirmai (Bündnis90/Die Grünen), state chairman, and member of the Bundestag Nina
Philmon Ghirmai (Bündnis90/Die Grünen), state chairman, and member of the Bundestag Nina Stahr (Bündnis90/Die Grünen).

National board - Broad majority for new leadership: Greens breathe a sigh of relief

It has been a long time since the Berlin Greens have had such a hard time electing a new state executive. Now it is clear: Nina Stahr and Philmon Ghirmai are to take over the leadership of the party. On Wednesday evening, there was a broad majority in favor of the new state leadership at the continuation of the party conference, which was canceled on Saturday. She has a lot to do. This includes optimally positioning the Greens for the next state parliamentary elections in 2026.

The clear vote for Stahr and Ghirmai is seen by the Greens as an opportunity to end the weeks-long internal dispute. After the vote, there was a palpable sense of relief that this time there had been a clear result in the first round of voting.

On Saturday, the party conference had been aborted after the Realo wing's candidate for the state chairmanship, Tanja Prinz, had failed in three rounds of voting. Stahr apologized for the way Prinz had been treated. This was not worthy of a feminist party. Stahr is committed to putting an end to internal party disputes. "This world, this city has enough crises. It doesn't need another crisis in our party," she said.

There had been internal discussions beforehand about whether Stahr would be punished in the vote for wanting to take on the party office and retain her seat in the Bundestag at the same time. The Greens' constitution stipulates that office and mandate must be separated. In Stahr's case, the two should only be possible for a transitional period that ends in May at the latest, when the next state delegates' conference is due to take place.

The vast majority of delegates apparently had no problems with the solution: 127 out of 144 delegates voted in favor of Stahr. Philmon Ghirmai had two opposing candidates and received 103 out of 140 votes cast. Ghirmai, who comes from the Neukölln district association and belongs to the party left, has already been state chairman since 2021.

Stahr was already state chairwoman from 2016 to 2021, but then relinquished the position when she became a member of the Bundestag. She belongs to the Realo wing and comes from the Steglitz-Zehlendorf district association.

She does not believe that sweeping the dispute of recent weeks under the carpet is a good strategy. There is a lot to clarify, Stahr announced. In her view, this also applies with regard to the open letter from nine district associations that had criticized Prinz supporters. The letter spoke of false allegations and a culture of mistrust. Members had been intimidated and others had been put under psychological pressure. The fact that such accusations had been made publicly needed to be discussed - but also the fact that nine out of twelve district associations had seen no other means than to write this letter.

State delegates' conference on December 13 Open letter from the district associations

Read also:

  1. The victorious candidates, Nina Stahr and Philmon Ghirmai, plan to host a series of parties in Berlin to engage with the local community and further promote the Green party's agenda.
  2. In the top management of the Green party, both Nina Stahr and Tanja Prinz have shown their commitment to gender equality, with Stahr apologizing for Prinz's treatment during the elections.
  3. Nina Stahr and her Wide network, composed of influential Green members, have been vocal advocates for environmental policies and green initiatives in and around Berlin.




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