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British immigration minister resigns in dispute over Rwanda agreement

One day after the conclusion of a new migration agreement between the UK and Rwanda, Robert Jenrick, the minister of state responsible for immigration, has resigned in London. With this step, he wanted to express his "strong disagreement with the direction of the government's policy on...

Minister of State Robert Jenrick
Minister of State Robert Jenrick

British immigration minister resigns in dispute over Rwanda agreement

The dispute has been raging for months: In November, the UK Supreme Court finally ruled that a government agreement with Rwanda to deport asylum seekers and other migrants was unlawful. In particular, the court had not classified Rwanda as a safe third country: It therefore considered the agreement to be incompatible with the UK's international obligations, as it was possible that Rwanda could deport people to regions where they would face persecution.

Immediately after the court ruling, the government in London announced its intention to conclude a new agreement with Rwanda. This was signed by Home Secretary James Cleverly in Kigali on Tuesday. On Wednesday, the government then announced that it intended to introduce an "emergency law" into parliament on Thursday, with which Rwanda would be declared a safe third country. This law will be "historic", wrote head of government Rishi Sunak on X.

The conservative prime minister is currently under strong domestic political pressure to limit immigration. The resignation of Immigration Minister Jenrick, which has now been announced, is likely to increase the pressure on Sunak even further.

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