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Bret Baier's confrontational chat with Harris contrasted with his conversation with Trump

In every encounter with a newsworthy individual, interviewers face a dilemma: should they initiate the discourse with a friendly approach or delve immediately into the heart of the matter?

Kamala Harris participates in a discussion on Fox News, serving as the interviewee.
Kamala Harris participates in a discussion on Fox News, serving as the interviewee.

Bret Baier's confrontational chat with Harris contrasted with his conversation with Trump

Fox News host Bret Baier adopted distinct approaches when interviewing former President Trump last year and Vice President Kamala Harris this week, marking a stark contrast in their treatment.

An examination of the interviews revealed a notable disparity in Fox News' handling of the two leading presidential contenders. In the 2023 conversation with Trump, Baier was commended by media critics for putting the ex-president on the spot, compelling him to concoct hasty justifications for his actions.

Washington Post columnist Erik Wemple lauded Baier for the June 2023 broadcast, stating, "During critical moments, Baier's probing interviewing tactics left Trump backpedaling, requiring him to come up with shaky explanations for his conduct."

However, Baier did not assert himself nearly as much as he interrupted Harris. Baier began the dialogue with Trump by posing a softball question, whereas his opening query to Harris was more incisive.

"What do you consider the most pressing issue confronting the nation today?" Baier inquired softly to Trump, allowing him to speak for 45 seconds without interruption. His first question to Harris on Wednesday, however, was significantly more confrontational: "Approximately how many unauthorized immigrants do you think your administration has released into the country over the past three and a half years?"

Harris attempted to broaden the discussion, describing the faulty immigration system and the need for repairs, but Baier interrupted her once more. He referenced criminal activities perpetrated by unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. and asked if Harris regretted the policies that permitted such criminals into the country.

Baier adopted a milder approach with Trump during the second round of questions, presumably to make him feel at ease. The question, submitted by a fan named Erica, inquired, "What will be your first action to transform the country if you are elected?"

Baier later posed more challenging questions to Trump, specifically in connection with allegations of mishandled classified documents.

"Baier repeatedly opposed Trump's falsehoods and exposed his vulnerabilities on crucial conservative issues," Axios reported afterward.

Occasionally, Baier appeared exasperated, such as when Trump invoked his 2020 election victory, to which Baier replied, "You lost the 2020 election," in a tone suggesting frustration with the false claim. "Recounts were conducted in all the swing states," he added.

At other instances, Baier engaged in light-hearted banter and agreed with Trump, indicating a familiarity with the former president. Baier and Harris, however, were meeting for the first time on Wednesday.

"Nice to meet you," Harris said at the interview's conclusion.

Baier exhibited more energy when engaging with Harris, conveying that Fox News' conservative audience anticipated her to fumble.

Baier interrupted Harris at least 38 times within 27 minutes, nearly doubling the number of times he interjected with Trump (approximately 28 times within 36 minutes).

Perhaps Baier interjected more frequently due to the time constraint imposed by the Harris campaign.

The Trump interview covered a broader range of topics, while Baier concentrated on specific areas with Harris, such as the border and President Biden's mental faculties.

"When did you first notice that President Biden's cognitive abilities appeared to be declining?" Baier asked.

"Bret, Biden is not running for re-election, and Trump is," Harris retorted.

In the realm of media criticism, the Washington Post's Erik Wemple praised Fox News host Bret Baier for his assertive approach during his interview with former President Trump in 2023, highlighting Baier's ability to challenge the ex-president's statements. Contrastingly, in the same year, when Baier interviewed Vice President Harris, his interruptions were more frequent, reflecting a different approach in dealing with political figures in the business of media.

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