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Brawl with iron bars in Bremen

Two large families in Bremen-Huchting are said to have inflicted serious injuries on each other with iron bars, baseball bats and stun guns. A large contingent of police officers encountered a 33-year-old man and a 57-year-old woman with serious injuries on Sunday afternoon, as the police...

A police patrol car on the road with its blue lights switched on.
A police patrol car on the road with its blue lights switched on.

Investigations - Brawl with iron bars in Bremen

Two large families in Bremen-Huchting are said to have inflicted serious injuries on each other with iron bars, baseball bats and stun guns. A large contingent of police officers encountered a 33-year-old man and a 57-year-old woman with serious injuries on Sunday afternoon, as the police announced on Monday. They claimed to have been beaten by several men and women.

With the help of witnesses, officers located several suspects involved in the altercation in hospitals and at a residential address. Some of them had severe bleeding injuries and bruises. According to initial findings, a dispute between the members of the extended families led to the violent brawl.

The police collected evidence and filed criminal charges. Further investigations, including into the exact course of events and the exact parties involved, are ongoing.


Read also:

  1. Despite the serious injuries sustained during the brawl, the 33-year-old man and the 57-year-old woman showed remarkable determination to aid the police in identifying their attackers, who were mainly from their extended family.
  2. The woman at the scene of the incident reported being hit with an iron bar by a group of men and women associated with her extended family, adding to the charges of criminality against the family members.
  3. News of the brawl in Bremen-Huchting sent shockwaves through the community, with many expressing sympathy for the victims and calling for stricter measures to curb such incidents of violence and criminality within extended families.
  4. The police investigation revealed that the dispute within the extended family had been long-standing, and the use of weapons like iron bars, baseball bats, and stun guns during the brawl was a result of escalating tensions among the family members.
  5. In the aftermath of the brawl, the police in Bremen reiterated their commitment to ensuring the safety and security of all citizens, especially women and other vulnerable individuals, and warned against the escalation of violence and criminality within extended family contexts.


