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Braun requests further clarification on the accusations of spying.

Former Wirecard CEO Markus Braun's defense is seeking to clear his name by shedding light on possible espionage and secret service activities within the DAX company before it collapsed in 2020. Lawyer Theres Kraußlach has asked for multiple witnesses from Austrian and Russian intelligence...

Former Wirecard CEO Markus Braun.
Former Wirecard CEO Markus Braun.

Wirecard fraudulent activities revealed - Braun requests further clarification on the accusations of spying.

In the legal documents, any potential involvement of Marsalek and his collaborators in Russian intelligence operations is not mentioned. Instead, the indictment claims that Brown joined forces with Marsalek, the state witness Oliver Bellenhaus, the ex-head accountant E., and others to orchestrate bogus financial transactions totaling billions of dollars, in order to keep the business afloat. Brown's defense attorney, Kraußlach, contends that the charges of espionage and fraud are interlinked: "It's an intricate web," she said. Brown, who has been in pre-trial detention without interruption for four years, has maintained his innocence since the first day of the trial. Kraußlach also plans to shed light on the extent of Bellenhaus's supposed involvement in Marsalek's alleged secret service network. Bellenhaus has consistently accused Brown in court. Kraußlach's argument is supported by findings from "Der Spiegel."

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