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Braun leaves dual leadership of pharmaceutical company Cheplapharm

After many years of building up the company, Sebastian Braun is giving up his post as Co-Chairman of the Management Board of the Greifswald-based pharmaceutical company Cheplapharm. Braun will become the new head of Braun Beteiligungs GmbH (BBG), the sole shareholder of Cheplapharm, with effect...

In the entrance area to Cheplapharm, a projector projects a motion-animated graphic of
In the entrance area to Cheplapharm, a projector projects a motion-animated graphic of medical products.

Greifswald - Braun leaves dual leadership of pharmaceutical company Cheplapharm

After many years of building up the company, Sebastian Braun is giving up his post as Co-Chairman of the Management Board of the Greifswald-based pharmaceutical company Cheplapharm. Braun will become the new head of Braun Beteiligungs GmbH (BBG), the sole shareholder of Cheplapharm, with effect from next year, the company announced on Wednesday. He will hand over the reins as CEO to Edeltraud Lafer, who has been managing the company together with him since March 2021. Braun is also moving to the Cheplapharm Supervisory Board.

Braun took over Cheplapharm in 2003 together with his sister Bianca Juha and joined the management team. At the time of the takeover, the company reportedly had an annual turnover of 600,000 euros. Cheplapharm now employs more than 650 people at sites in Greifswald, France, Japan, Russia and Switzerland and achieved an annual turnover of around 1.3 billion euros in 2022.

The company does not have its own research and development, but buys established drugs from large pharmaceutical companies, which it then has manufactured and distributed on a contract manufacturing basis.

Read also:

  1. Cheplapharm, with its headquarters in Greifswald, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, has expanded significantly under Sebastian Braun's leadership, now employing over 650 people across various international locations.
  2. Despite not having its own research and development, the Pharmaceutical company Cheplapharm in Greifswald, known for its double-tip syringes, relies on purchasing established drugs from prominent pharmaceutical companies for manufacturing and distribution.
  3. The forthcoming construction work in Greifswald will likely bring new opportunities for the city's esteemed personalities and businesses, including the influential Braun family and their pharmaceutical company, Cheplapharm.


