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Brandenburg's left-wing parliamentary group wants to raise its profile

Two lecterns of the Left
Two lecterns of the Left

Brandenburg's left-wing parliamentary group wants to raise its profile

Brandenburg's Left Party leader Sebastian Walter sees the dissolution of the Left Party in the Bundestag as an opportunity for his parliamentary group. "This is of course a heavy blow," said Walter in Potsdam on Tuesday. "But I am very sure that the Left Party will continue to do a very good job as a group in the Bundestag with 28 MPs and I think we will also use the opportunity here to raise our profile." The left-wing parliamentary groups in the federal states also reached an agreement among themselves.

On Tuesday, the left-wing parliamentary group in the Bundestag decided to disband on December 6 as a consequence of former parliamentary group leader Sahra Wagenknecht and nine other MPs leaving the party. Wagenknecht wants to found a rival party at the beginning of 2024. Her association "Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht" is preparing this. Without her, the Left Party will lose its minimum size of 37 MPs and will have to be liquidated. It is expected that two new parliamentary groups will emerge: the remaining 28 Left Party MPs and Wagenknecht with her supporters.

Brandenburg's Left Party leader does not expect any consequences for his parliamentary group due to Wagenknecht's plans: "The Left Party consists of 10 MPs and will consist of 10 MPs until the end of this parliamentary term," said Walter. "So there will be no change here." The Left Party in Brandenburg has actually grown since Wagenknecht left in October. Since then, there have been 15 resignations and 40 new members, said Walter, who is also the state chairman.

The Left Party in Brandenburg, led by Sebastian Walter, aims to leverage the dissolution of the Left Party in the Bundestag to increase its visibility within Parliament. Despite Sahra Wagenknecht's plans to establish a rival party, Walter does not anticipate any impact on the size or influence of his parliamentary group in Brandenburg.


