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Brandenburg's European Football Championship Excitement in Catering Industry

The start of the European Football Championship excites several individuals in Brandenburg. Despite no tournaments being held in the area, there are various occurrences to anticipate.

Members of the press film and photograph the Olympic Stadium, which is decorated for UEFA EURO...
Members of the press film and photograph the Olympic Stadium, which is decorated for UEFA EURO 2024.

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Going to soccer games at beer gardens or pubs, staying in hotels: The anticipation before the Euro Cup for soccer is also evident in the hotel and dining industry in Brandenburg. "We socialize, the mood lightens," said Olaf Schope, president of the Hotel and Gas Station Association (Dehoga) in Brandenburg to the German News Agency. "It's just fun." The occasion is also a welcome diversion in times of a tense global political climate.

"The importance of such events is naturally huge," stressed Schope. Since the tournament is happening in Germany, many visitors from different countries are also arriving. "Spectators come not only for the game but also to stay here in Brandenburg," the region benefits from its proximity to Berlin. For the dining scene, new sources of income have opened up through events like Public Viewing.

Public Viewings in Potsdam and Frankfurt (Oder)

Many events are organized by private businesses, said Schope. Beer gardens could pop up at various locations when the weather is nice. For instance, the opening match between Germany and Scotland will be screened in Potsdam's Lindenpark. The city, however, won't host any events itself, according to a spokeswoman for the city administration. A Public Viewing is planned for Luisenplatz in Potsdam.

Frankfurt (Oder) and Oranienburg have also announced Public Viewing events on the big screen. Frankfurt (Oder) plans several Public Viewings at Brunnenplatz in the city center throughout July. For both semifinals (July 9 and 10) and the final (July 14), Robert Reuter from Stadtmarketing expects between 5000 and 8000 spectators. The city near the border with Poland has also established a comprehensive security plan, which should be adjusted to the countries playing against each other, said Reuter: "We want a peaceful soccer festival." The German-Polish friendship should be prominent.

Brandenburg's Minister-President Dietmar Woidke (SPD) makes it clear that he will relax at home for the start. He'll watch the match of the German team at home after a busy day with a beer, said Woidke. The state government, according to spokesman Florian Engels, won't attend any games of the Euro Cup with free VIP tickets offered, and there are no plans for a private visit to the stadium.

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