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Brandenburg's climate plan postponed until the election year

The consultation on the climate plan - a central project of the Brandenburg state government for climate protection - is going into extra time. At its last meeting of the year in Schönewalde (Elbe-Elster district) on Tuesday, the cabinet no longer discussed the climate plan. It is intended as a...

Dietmar Woidke at a session of the Brandenburg state parliament.
Dietmar Woidke at a session of the Brandenburg state parliament.

Extension - Brandenburg's climate plan postponed until the election year

The consultation on the climate plan - a central project of the Brandenburg state government for climate protection - is going into extra time. At its last meeting of the year in Schönewalde (Elbe-Elster district) on Tuesday, the cabinet no longer discussed the climate plan. It is intended as a work program for all ministries to bundle climate protection policy measures. Minister President Dietmar Woidke (SPD) referred to ongoing reviews and consultations. Environmentalists criticized the timetable.

"We are in discussion", Woidke (SPD) told Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (RBB). The climate plan must be realistic and feasible. "We also have to check the financial feasibility for the state - and these checks are still ongoing." He could understand the impatience surrounding this topic. "On the other hand, it's about quality over speed."

Brandenburg is aiming for climate neutrality by 2045. This means that no more climate-damaging greenhouse gases may be emitted in all areas such as industry, transport and buildings. According to the Ministry of the Environment, the climate plan will contain more than 100 measures, many of which are already being implemented. These include the energy strategy, forest conversion and the multi-million euro program for municipal climate protection. According to the Ministry of the Environment, agreement has already been reached on the content of these points.

The Brandenburg Federation for the Environment and Nature Conservation (BUND) called for more speed in the creation of the climate plan. "According to the state parliament resolution, the climate plan should have been ready in 2021," said state chairwoman Franziska Sperfeld. The report, which shows a great need for action, has been available since February 2022, and the action plans from experts have been on the table since February 2023. Left-wing parliamentary group leader Sebastian Walter criticized: "Contrary to the announcements, a sensible climate plan has still not been adopted."

Alongside climate adaptation, climate protection is one of the two pillars of Brandenburg's climate policy. The cabinet has already adopted the climate adaptation strategy this year. A new state parliament will be elected in Brandenburg next year.

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