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Brandenburg state parliament also declares emergency for 2024

The Brandenburg state parliament has also declared an extraordinary emergency situation for 2024. The declaration of emergency pushed through by the coalition majority is intended to enable the state to take on new debt for a Brandenburg government package in the coming year. In this way, the...

Finance Minister Katrin Lange (r) speaks during the special session of the state parliament.
Finance Minister Katrin Lange (r) speaks during the special session of the state parliament.

Aid package - Brandenburg state parliament also declares emergency for 2024

The Brandenburg state parliament has also declared an extraordinary emergency situation for 2024. The declaration of emergency pushed through by the coalition majority is intended to enable the state to take on new debt for a Brandenburg government package in the coming year. In this way, the coalition wants to financially cushion the consequences of the Russian war of aggression and high inflation for families, local authorities and companies.

In a special session of the state parliament on Wednesday, the AfD parliamentary group as well as individual left-wing and non-attached members of the Free Voters voted against the proposal of the red-black-green coalition. There were six abstentions.

The state parliament had already declared the emergency situation for the Brandenburg package for this and next year in order to be able to take on up to two billion euros in new debt. Following the budget ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court, which only required budgets to be drawn up for one year at a time, the aid package was now to be secured with a new declaration of emergency for 2024. The credit authorization for the coming year should then still amount to 1.06 billion euros.

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