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Brandenburg plans to take more decisive measures against anti-Semitism.

Brandenburg's Jewish population feels underrepresented and uncertain about the appointment of an anti-Semitism commissioner, as they don't believe they've been adequately involved in the process thus far.

A Star of David can be seen on the building of the new Potsdam Synagogue Center.
A Star of David can be seen on the building of the new Potsdam Synagogue Center.

Learning and academic pursuits. - Brandenburg plans to take more decisive measures against anti-Semitism.

Brandenburg aims to tackle antisemitism through early education, increased security, and prevention. The government has devised an action plan that consolidates existing efforts against antisemitism and promotes Jewish life. State Chancellor Kathrin Schneider (SPD) asserted, "Brandenburg is an inclusive society that embraces diversity and freedom."

Growing concerns about antisemitism, similar to Germany and Europe, have become a major concern. Jewish life is not yet considered a natural part of Brandenburg's society.

Enhancing security for Jewish institutions

The state wants to reinforce the protection of Jewish institutions and emphasize them. Antisemitic slogans or symbols should be prohibited at public demonstrations prior to the event, legally and punishable if found afterward.

Responsible authorities should take measures to prevent antisemitic statements at rallies. The number of police-reported antisemitic crimes in Brandenburg increased by 46% last year, totaling 284 offenses.

Encouraging religious diversity in kindergartens

Education should be expanded in kindergartens, with a new curriculum for elementary education planned in 2024. This curriculum aims to foster competencies related to democracy and a basic understanding of religious diversity and tolerant coexistence.

In schools, the state government mandates comprehensive teaching on antisemitism's historical development, acknowledging that limiting the focus to Nazi-era racism obscures the recognition of subtler and emerging forms.

Strengthening Jewish life and culture

The government seeks to fortify Jewish life and culture by discovering additional historical sites associated with Jewish life and culture and developing suitable forms of commemoration.

The current Jewish population in Brandenburg consists of approximately 2,000 individuals, with 11 recognized Jewish communities. This summer, a new synagogue will be inaugurated in Potsdam.

No antisemitism commissioner has been appointed yet

The state parliament intends to appoint an antisemitism commissioner, but the selection process is being delayed. This role will serve as a contact for Jewish individuals and groups and address antisemitism concerns, while also facilitating interreligious dialogue.

The AfD faction opposes the establishment of the commissioner, accusing other factions of misusing the issue of antisemitism for political gain.

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The SPD, led by State Chancellor Kathrin Schneider, supports Brandenburg's stance against antisemitism, viewing it as a reflection of Germany and European concerns. The government's action plan includes fortifying Jewish institutions and prohibiting antisemitic symbols at public demonstrations. Education plays a crucial role in this initiative, with plans to introduce a new curriculum in kindergartens and schools that promotes religious diversity and tolerance. However, the state parliament is yet to appoint an antisemitism commissioner, a position vital for addressing antisemitism concerns and facilitating interreligious dialogue. Despite opposition from the AfD, this role could significantly contribute to the prevention and mitigation of antisemitism in Bradenburg.



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