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Brandenburg: More building rubble containing asbestos disposed of illegally

Brandenburg has a problem with the disposal of abandoned waste materials. Harmful asbestos in particular is a recurring problem. The costs for waste disposal companies are rising.

Illegally disposed of asbestos roof tiles and other waste lies in a forest in the Oder-Spree
Illegally disposed of asbestos roof tiles and other waste lies in a forest in the Oder-Spree

Brandenburg: More building rubble containing asbestos disposed of illegally

More building materials containing asbestos are being disposed of illegally in Brandenburg. Last year, the public waste disposal companies registered 305 tons of the hazardous materials, according to an answer from the Ministry of the Environment in Potsdam to a question from the CDU parliamentary group. This was 31 tons more than in 2021 and 131 tons more than in 2017.

In contrast, the total amount of waste disposed of illegally decreased from 6365 tons in 2017 to 6017 tons last year. Despite the decrease, the cost of disposal increased - by around 400,000 euros to 1.7 million euros.

The manufacture and use of asbestos has been banned since 1993. Previously, the material was used in many components, such as cement, floor coverings, insulation and roof coverings. If asbestos fibers are inhaled, they can cause chronic inflammation of the lungs and, in the long term, cancer. However, according to the ministry, the risk posed by dormant asbestos products is considered low in the literature.

This means that as long as the building components are intact, there is generally no danger from firmly bonded asbestos-containing building materials. However, if the materials are abraded, brushed off, drilled, sawn or even just cleaned with pressure, fibers are released. Specialist companies must therefore remove and dispose of materials containing asbestos, and the unauthorized handling of such materials is a criminal offence.

According to the information, 2476 suspected cases of work-related illnesses in connection with asbestos have been reported in Brandenburg over the past ten years. Nationwide, there were around 95,000 reports between 2013 and 2022.

The illegal disposal of asbestos-laden building rubble poses a significant threat to both public health and the environment in Brandenburg. This harmful practice needs to be addressed urgently to prevent the release of harmful asbestos fibers, which can lead to chronic lung inflammation and, in severe cases, cancer.




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