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Brand in basement under house deleted

From several entrances of a house in Kreuzberg, there was a smell. The cause was underneath the house.

Firefighting in deep garages is difficult and energy-consuming.
Firefighting in deep garages is difficult and energy-consuming.

Fire department deployment in Kreuzberg - Brand in basement under house deleted

In a deep garage in Berlin-Kreuzberg near Oranienstraße, six cars have burned. The fire has been extinguished, ventilation measures have been completed, a Fire Department spokesperson told the German Press Agency. "We are in the final stages. Our colleagues are now clearing up and will soon leave the scene."

Firefighting in basement garages is in general challenging and exhausting, in this case, the basement garage is located under a four-story residential building with multiple entrances from which smoke came out, the spokesperson said. The entrances were constantly controlled and ventilated.

There were no injured people, an unconscious person was taken care of by the Fire Department. The residents did not have to leave their apartments, an apartment directly above the garage was temporarily affected by the smoke.

The smoke development at the building was relatively strong. E-cars were not affected according to the latest information. There were 85 Fire Department personnel on site. The cause of the fire is unclear.

The deep garage where the fire occurred is a common challenge for firefighters in basement garages, especially in densely populated areas like Kreuzberg near Oranienstraße. Despite the challenging conditions, the fire department's operation was successful in extinguishing the fire and ensuring no significant damage to the surrounding buildings, including an adjacent four-story residential building with multiple entrances. The Fire Department also provided medical assistance to an unconscious person on site.

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