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Boris Palmer and the Greens show indications of reconciliation.

Tübingen's mayor Boris Palmer, who stepped down from the Green Party a year ago amid a scandal and lengthy disputes, may be considering a reconciliation with the party. Is a comeback possible for him?

Boris Palmer, Mayor of Tübingen, enters a press conference room in the district administration...
Boris Palmer, Mayor of Tübingen, enters a press conference room in the district administration office.

Political gatherings - Boris Palmer and the Greens show indications of reconciliation.

Almost a year has passed since Boris Palmer left the Greens, but there are indications of a reunion between the Tübingen mayor and his former party. Federal Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir can envision Palmer resuming his position in the Greens under certain circumstances. "I'd love it if there was a way back," Özdemir stated at a Zeit event in Hamburg. "People shouldn't write each other off. That should be done very rarely."

As a stipulation, Özdemir suggested: "Of course, I'd be delighted if he said, 'I'll let myself be helped, I'll stop fighting late-night battles on Facebook with anyone and focus on my job.' He's a fantastic mayor; he should do that and leave the past behind. Then he would have a place there. And I'd be pleased if that were the case."

Even Palmer himself contemplates a return to the Greens. "A development that would culminate in me being a well-respected member of the Greens once again would be beneficial for both parties," said the non-party politician to the German Press Agency on Sunday. "I hold Cem Özdemir in high regard and am thrilled by his reconciliatory remarks."

Palmer has been the mayor of Tübingen since 2007 and has had conflicts with political remarks on various occasions. In May of last year, Palmer left the Greens following a controversy regarding the use of the N-word at a migration conference in Frankfurt. His membership had already been questionable due to other contentious statements. After some time away, he changed the commenting guidelines for his Facebook profile. In the communal election in Baden-Württemberg, Palmer is competing for the Free Voters Association (FWV) in the Tübingen district for a spot on the Tübingen district council.

Özdemir claimed at the Saturday event that he exerted the most effort in attempting to keep Palmer and fostered connections for him. "Unfortunately, he has destroyed the bridges I've built." The Green politician singled out Palmer's "impeccable record as mayor."

Özdemir is considered the most promising candidate for the Greens in the southwest for the state election in 2026. Baden-Württemberg's Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann from the Greens will not be running again.

Video of Özdemir's talk (Palmer-related comments start around 1 hour 00 minutes)

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