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Bootsbrand on the Elbe - 3 Injured

During a trip on the Elbe by three men, their boat suddenly caught fire. The passengers were rescued. The fire department had to use heavy equipment for the boat.

The fire department had to rescue three men from their burning boat (picture)
The fire department had to rescue three men from their burning boat (picture)

Near Wittenberge - Bootsbrand on the Elbe - 3 Injured

Three men in ages of 21, 31 and 34 were injured during a boat fire on the Elbe. The boat was on fire and at risk of sinking in the afternoon of Thursday at Donnersberg. The fire department rescued these men from the water.

A witness was on the B189 over the Elbe bridge Wittenberge and alerted the emergency services because she saw rising smoke clouds. The fire department rescued the three men from their burning vehicle, which was on the Elbe from Wahrenberger Fähre towards Thale (Sachsen-Anhalt). The boat is reported to have suddenly caught fire and an explosion was heard. Two of the men were taken to the hospital. The boat sank due to the fire and was pulled out of the water using a crane. Further investigations into the cause of the fire were initiated, the police added.

The fire department was able to extinguish the boat fire on the Elbe, preventing it from spreading to other vessels. Despite the efforts of the fire department, the water used to put out the fire had caused some of the men's clothes to catch fire again. The Fire Department of Wittenbergedeployed additional resources to help in the aftermath, as the incident occurred near their jurisdiction in Brandenburg.

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