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Booking a rental car for your vacation: how to save money

Cheaper mobility during the vacations

The rental car becomes cheaper by booking early, choosing the pick-up location and pick-up time.
The rental car becomes cheaper by booking early, choosing the pick-up location and pick-up time.

Booking a rental car for your vacation: how to save money

Many travelers prefer to rent a car for their vacation at short notice. This can be expensive. However, with these tips, you can often save some Euros.

For those traveling and wanting to be mobile on site, renting a car is a good option. According to travel search engine Skyscanner, there are several ways to save here.

Many people book their rental car last minute, as a survey by market research institute Onepoll among 1000 respondents on behalf of Skyscanner showed. Travelers should definitely not book too last minute if they want to save. Travel search engine Kayak warns against this, stating that rental car prices significantly increase in the last 48 hours before pick-up.

To save, Skyscanner recommends booking the rental car in most vacation countries a week before departure. An exception is Portugal, where two weeks in advance is recommended.

Further savings opportunities are the pick-up location and pick-up time. Comparing prices at different stations, such as the airport or city center, can be worthwhile. It can also be worthwhile to pick up the car an hour earlier or later. With such small adjustments, savings of up to 64 percent can be achieved, according to Skyscanner, based on booking data on the portal.

Caution with insurance

Another savings opportunity is insurance. According to the travel search engine, it is recommended to take out the insurance already with the booking instead of buying it as an additional insurance on site.

The magazine "Finanztest" advises a full coverage insurance without deductible. It is also important to take a look at the car liability insurance coverage for the rental car. These can be very low in other countries, especially outside the EU, according to the price comparison portal "". In the event of damage, one takes on a high financial risk. Therefore, in case of doubt, a supplementary policy with sufficient coverage should be taken out.

  1. If you're planning a last-minute vacation and need a rental car, consider booking it a week in advance to save money, as suggested by Skyscanner, except in Portugal where two weeks is recommended.
  2. One should be cautious when it comes to car insurance during rental, as the magazine "Finanztest" advises taking out a full coverage insurance without a deductible and checking the car liability insurance coverage, especially when renting outside the EU.
  3. Consumers who book their rental car at the airport or city center might find better prices, and picking up the car an hour earlier or later can also lead to significant savings, according to Skyscanner's booking data.
  4. Legal errors can occur when consumers fail to read the fine print in car rental agreements, leading to unexpected charges or disputes with the rental company. It's essential to thoroughly review the contract before signing and ask any questions that might arise.
  5. When encountering issues with a rental car, such as damage or issues with the vehicle, visiting a consumer center or consulting with a consumer advisor can help guide consumers through the process and protect their rights as consumers during road traffic incidents.

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