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Book of condolence for Schäuble available at Rotes Rathaus

Berliners can sign the book of condolence for the CDU politician and honorary citizen of the city, Wolfgang Schäuble, at Rotes Rathaus. This was announced by the Senate Chancellery on Wednesday. It will be available from Thursday (December 28) until Friday, January 5, during the usual opening...

A book of condolence in memory of Wolfgang Schäuble in the Konrad Adenauer House.
A book of condolence in memory of Wolfgang Schäuble in the Konrad Adenauer House.

Berlin - Book of condolence for Schäuble available at Rotes Rathaus

Berliners can sign the book of condolence for the CDU politician and honorary citizen of the city, Wolfgang Schäuble, in the Rotes Rathaus. This was announced by the Senate Chancellery on Wednesday. It will be available from Thursday (December 28) until Friday, January 5, during the usual opening hours, Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., in the Säulensaal of City Hall.

Berlin's Governing Mayor Kai Wegner and the President of the House of Representatives, Cornelia Seibeld (both CDU), will sign the book of condolence on Thursday afternoon.

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