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Book Day: Schoolchildren receive a story as a gift

A pair of reading glasses lies on an open paper
A pair of reading glasses lies on an open paper

Book Day: Schoolchildren receive a story as a gift

Ahead of next year's World Book Day, pupils in Saxony are to receive a story written especially for the day as a gift. Teachers of fourth and fifth graders as well as special education and welcome classes have been able to order book vouchers for this purpose since Wednesday, the Saxon Ministry of Culture announced on Wednesday. Book Day is celebrated every year on April 23. The registration deadline for the vouchers is January 31, 2024.

From mid-April 2024, the vouchers can then be exchanged for the comic novel "Mission Roboter: Ein spannender Fall für die Glücksagentur" by author Anke Girod and illustrator Timo Grubing in a bookshop of choice, it was said. It's about Mila and Baran, who can't believe their eyes when a strange object lands on their roof terrace one day.

The vouchers are awarded as part of the nationwide reading promotion campaign "I'll give you a story". It is a joint campaign by Stiftung Lesen, Stiftung Buchkultur and Leseförderung des Börsenvereins, Deutsche Post, cbj Verlag and ZDF.

Schools in Saxony are participating in the nationwide reading promotion campaign "I'll give you a story," which involves distributing book vouchers for a special story. During Literature classes, these vouchers can be exchanged for the comic novel "Mission Roboter: Ein spannender Fall für die Glücksagentur."




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