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Bonus: Fraport employees can recruit acquaintances

In the tight Rhine-Main labor market, the airport is also struggling to find enough people. The new head of HR has reformed training - and is offering targeted incentives.

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An airplane

Bonus: Fraport employees can recruit acquaintances

The Frankfurt airport operator Fraport relies on the acquaintances of its own employees when recruiting new staff. Recruitment bonuses are offered for this. Within just a few weeks, 50 new employees have been recruited in this way, reported the new Head of Human Resources, Julia Kranenberg, on Tuesday evening in Frankfurt. Although this alone is not enough, it is currently one of the most successful instruments.

Employees receive a bonus of 500 euros when they sign a contract and a further 500 euros if they survive the probationary period. Following the end of the coronavirus pandemic, Frankfurt Airport is increasingly looking for workers and, according to Kranenberg, hires around 3,000 people with a wide range of qualifications every year. "There is a huge shortage of people," she said. Fluctuation has also increased.

Kranenberg, a former RWE manager, joined Fraport last year and launched a personnel program entitled "HRneo", which is also intended to establish a new management style. In addition to the quantity of recruitment, the quality of further training must also be improved. Fraport has launched a program to turn a simple loader into a master loader within a year, twice as fast as before. This includes a number of qualification steps, including a driving license and official approvals.

As an additional incentive, around 18,300 employees will receive a Germany ticket free of charge. According to Kranenberg, however, the MDax group is not currently considering a possible four-day week as an incentive or its own housing programs.

Despite the ongoing struggle with staff shortages at Frankfurt Airport, the reliance on air traffic staff recruitment through employee referrals continues to yield positive results. Fraport regularly hires around 3,000 people annually with various qualifications, and this approach has proven to be one of their most effective recruitment methods.




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