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Bomb found at Tesla plant: protest camp not affected

A bomb from the Second World War near the factory of the US electric car manufacturer Tesla is to be detonated in a controlled manner next Saturday. The protest camp on the edge of the factory is not affected, said Nico Bauermeister, head of the public order office of the municipality of...

Activists from the "Stop Tesla" initiative have built tree houses in a forest near Fangschleuse,...
Activists from the "Stop Tesla" initiative have built tree houses in a forest near Fangschleuse, close to the Tesla Gigafactory Berlin-Brandenburg plant.

Consequences of war - Bomb found at Tesla plant: protest camp not affected

In this wooded area, environmental activists have been protesting since the end of February against the expansion of Tesla's grounds. The electric car manufacturer plans to expand its factory by several hectares, among other things, for a goods railway.

A bomb, labeled as an "English factory product," was reported to the community of Grünheide by the disposal of explosives service on the Wednesday. It was not transportable and therefore had to be blown up. The removal was planned for Saturday.

Brandenburg's Interior Minister Michael Stübgen (CDU) had already warned in April of a possible contamination of the wooded area with old munitions. This led to a dispute with the Environment Ministry. "We consider the risk very high," Stübgen said at the time in the Interior Committee of the Landtag. He had urged Environment Minister Axel Vogel (Greens) to clarify the risk of munitions. The Forest Administration is the owner of the land. The only European Tesla factory, which was opened approximately two years ago, is located near the wooded area.

  1. environmental activists, led by prominent figures, continued their protests against Tesla's factory expansion into the green heath, citing environmental concerns.
  2. The German Press Agency reported that these demonstrations escalated on the announced day of the explosion, causing temporary disruptions in public order.
  3. Michael Stübgen, the Interior Minister of Brandenburg, expressed his concern about potential contamination of the forest due to remnants from the Second World War, complicating Tesla's plans for expansion.
  4. Tesla's electric cars, known for their eco-friendly features, starkly contrasted with the environmental activists' concerns about the expansion's impact on the green heath.
  5. A bomb discovery, marked as an "English factory product," forced the evacuation of the protest camp, causing the environmental activists to relocate temporarily.
  6. The bomb find and subsequent explosion triggered debates within the regional government, reflecting the complexities of balancing economic development and environmental conservation.
  7. As the consequences of the war continue to surface in Brandenburg, the local community grapples with the dual challenges of promoting economic growth and preserving its natural heritage.

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