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Bomb disposal experts successfully explode dangerous device.

A bomb from World War II was discovered at Frankfurt Airport, leading to the airport's closure with impacts on air and ground traffic. The all-clear was given in the evening.

A Boeing 747 lands at Frankfurt Airport in the last light of day.
A Boeing 747 lands at Frankfurt Airport in the last light of day.

Defusing explosives - Bomb disposal experts successfully explode dangerous device.

On Friday night, experts from the ordnance disposal service successfully defused a bomb found on a construction site at Frankfurt Airport. A police spokesperson stated everything went smoothly. The airport operator Fraport mentioned that disruptions in air traffic were kept at a minimum. Two out of the four available runways had to be temporarily closed, resulting in delays and hold-ups. Fraport recommended that travelers budget ample time for their journey and check their flight status in advance on airline websites.

During construction in the vicinity of the new Terminal 3, a phosphorus bomb was uncovered on Friday. As per the police, phosphorus bombs containing white phosphorus were widely employed in World War II.

The ordnance disposal service set off the explosive device under supervised circumstances. In order to ensure a safe detonation site, the Autobahn 5, which runs close to the airport, was temporarily shut down by the police. A protective perimeter of approximately 1000 meters from the discovery site was created. Once the bomb was safely defused, the restrictions were removed, according to a police spokesperson.

The third terminal at Frankfurt Airport is slated to open in 2026, and a cost of four billion euros is projected. Up to 19 million passengers can be handled annually within the new T3.

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