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Böhmermann and Schulz want to support social projects

During this year's "Festive and Fluffy Christmas Circus", presenter Jan Böhmermann and musician Olli Schulz want to collect donations for social projects. For the time being, one of them will only be able to continue its work next year thanks to the donations.

Jan Böhmermann (l) and Olli Schulz are on stage at the IFA electronics trade fair for the
Jan Böhmermann (l) and Olli Schulz are on stage at the IFA electronics trade fair for the recording of their podcast "Fest und Flauschig".

Donation Gala - Böhmermann and Schulz want to support social projects

Presenter Jan Böhmermann and musician Olli Schulz also want to raise money for social projects in Saxony-Anhalt, Brandenburg and Thuringia with a fundraising gala on Saturday. In their joint podcast, they announced that the proceeds from the "Festive and Fluffy Christmas Circus" would be split between the Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora Memorials Foundation, the Johanniter children's home "Pusteblume" in Burg (Spree-Neiße district) and the "Partnership for Democracy" initiative in Köthen. Further donations are to go to the "Hateaid" organization.

Schulz called her personally before the official announcement of the donation targets, said Kathrin Verzino from the Brandenburg children's hospice "Pusteblume". "We were speechless for a while, but that has now turned into great joy." The work in a children's hospice is never adequately funded, says Verzino. Donations can be used to finance the care of parents and siblings of terminally ill children, for example.

The Köthen-based "Partnership for Democracy" initiative was also very happy about the podcasters' surprise call, Tina Rose told the German Press Agency. Among other things, the donations could benefit the planning of Christopher Street Day in the town in the Anhalt-Bitterfeld district. The money could also be used to reactivate a network that aims to enable citizens to participate in social life on an equal footing.

Overall, the situation of the Köthen project, which is funded by a federal program, is currently difficult, according to Rose. The reason for this is the uncertainty surrounding the federal budget for the coming year. Funding has either not been promised or will not be paid out for the time being. "A lack of funds means the end of our partnership. The fundraising campaign will temporarily avert the impending interruption of funding and enable us to continue our work."

In the podcast, Böhmermann ("ZDF Magazin Royale") also praised the work of the Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora Memorials Foundation. They do a lot of educational work and inform people about what happened there. "And hopefully ensure that it doesn't happen again," says Böhmermann.

The former Buchenwald concentration camp - now a memorial - is located near Weimar, while the Mittelbau-Dora memorial is in the town of Nordhausen. From 1937 until shortly before the end of the Second World War, the National Socialists deported around 280,000 people from all over Europe to the Buchenwald concentration camp, 56,000 of whom perished. In the Mittelbau-Dora concentration camp, 60,000 prisoners had to perform forced labor and 20,000 died.

This year's "Christmas Circus" will take place on December 16 at the Berlin Natural History Museum. Donations will be collected online.

Donation platform

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