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Blood donors wanted - situation has stabilized in 2023

At the beginning of 2023, the DRK blood donation service warehouses were almost empty. A public appeal for help probably shook many people up. However, the DRK is also breaking new ground to recruit more blood donors.

A man donates blood at the DRK blood donation center.
A man donates blood at the DRK blood donation center.

German Red Cross - Blood donors wanted - situation has stabilized in 2023

Around the turn of the year, the German Red Cross (DRK) increases its calls for blood donations. The recent encouraging trend has weakened again in recent weeks, said Stephan David Küpper, spokesman for the DRK Blood Donor Service West. One reason for this is probably that there are currently many cases of illness in the population. "The alarm bells are not yet ringing, but we are a little worried," said Küpper.

After the coronavirus period and a very weak start to 2023, the number of blood reserves recovered noticeably in the following months. "At the beginning of the year, we had such a catastrophic supply situation that we could no longer even guarantee our own emergency supplies," said Küpper. However, following a dramatic appeal to the public, many people donated blood. The situation had improved significantly and had even remained stable over the summer vacations.

In order to have a good supply of blood reserves in the long term, more people need to donate regularly, said Küpper. The DRK is trying to appeal to younger people in particular with targeted campaigns.

The attempt to attract donors with "pop-up" blood donation stations in shopping centers is new. This has already been successfully tested in Dortmund, Düsseldorf and Leverkusen in recent months. "We are creating the opportunity to donate blood while shopping, so to speak," said Küpper. In large cities, this could be an additional way of reaching people.

Information on donating blood

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