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Black-Greens plan new emergency loan for 2024

Schleswig-Holstein will lack almost 900 million euros in 2024. The CDU and Greens want to close the budget gap through reserves, savings and new loans.

Finance Minister Monika Heinold speaks next to Schleswig-Holstein's Minister President
Finance Minister Monika Heinold speaks next to Schleswig-Holstein's Minister President Daniel Günther.

Household - Black-Greens plan new emergency loan for 2024

In the coming year, the state government is relying on a combination of savings, the use of reserves and new loans. "The 2024 budget is the most difficult I have ever prepared," said Finance Minister Monika Heinold (Greens) on Tuesday.

The cabinet had previously approved her draft budget for 2024. It provides for new debt amounting to a good 775 million euros. The majority of this is to be financed by a new emergency loan. The state parliament must now discuss the draft budget.

"The multiple crises of these times bring with them major challenges, especially financial ones," said Minister President Daniel Günther(CDU). The coalition had found various solutions for the budget. "We are investing, we are mitigating the consequences of the crisis and we are consolidating the budget."

The black-green coalition is planning for revenue of 16 billion and expenditure of 16.9 billion euros. The government intends to cover the difference by withdrawing almost 112 million euros from reserves, taking out an emergency loan of almost 650 million euros and taking on a good 130 million euros in economic debt. However, savings are also being made. All ministries are saving a total of 100 million euros. This also affects the social sector, for example. The CDU and Greens want to increase the size of after-school groups for primary school pupils from 20 to 25 as of April. This will save around six million euros per year.


Read also:

  1. The state government in Schleswig-Holstein is planning to finance a portion of their budget for 2024 through the use of reserves and new loans, including an emergency loan approved by the state cabinet.
  2. Monika Heinold, the Finance Minister from the Green party, stated that the 2024 budget was the most challenging she had ever prepared, as it requires new debt amounting to 775 million euros, a significant portion of which will be financed through an emergency loan.
  3. The CDU, led by Minister President Daniel Günther, supports the black-green coalition's budget plan, which includes withdrawing funds from reserves, taking out an emergency loan, and taking on new economic debt to cover the budget deficit.
  4. Monika Heinold and the CDU are collaborating to reduce expenses by asking all ministries to save 100 million euros and implementing cost-cutting measures, such as increasing the number of after-school groups for primary school pupils from 20 to 25, which will save around six million euros per year.




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