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Bishop: Not indifferent to problems in the world

In his Christmas sermon, Bishop Karl-Heinz Wiesemann of Speyer called on the faithful not to be indifferent to the problems in the world. According to a press release, Wiesemann said on Monday during the mass in the cathedral that people should not become indifferent. "We must resist all those...

A Christmas tree is set up in front of Speyer Cathedral.
A Christmas tree is set up in front of Speyer Cathedral.

Speyer - Bishop: Not indifferent to problems in the world

In his Christmas sermon, Bishop Karl-Heinz Wiesemann of Speyer called on the faithful not to be indifferent to the problems in the world. According to a press release, Wiesemann said on Monday during the mass in the cathedral that people should not become indifferent. "We must resist all those in our society who drive wedges into our coexistence with resentment against others, with fear against strangers and outsiders," he emphasized. It is important not to unlearn the "language of love".

Looking at the world does not exactly make people happy. "There are so many thieves and robbers in our world who want to tear the belief in the unity of humanity, in what unites us all, out of our hearts, who preach hatred and agitation; who sow violence and war; for whom human dignity is worth nothing and who play their power game over corpses without blinking an eye," said the bishop.

The Christmas message, Wiesemann emphasized, has been "deeply familiar since our childhood" and is alive as a reminder "that alone can create and maintain peace and justice". "What would the world be without this faith, without this reminder of our common roots?" In a world that has become loud and crude, sounds and voices "that we thought had long been overcome" are becoming strong, said the bishop. He was stunned by how many people were joining in with these voices.

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Read also:

  1. Despite the challenges facing Rhineland-Palatinate and the world, Bishop Karl-Heinz Wiesemann of Speyer urged the faithful during his Christmas sermon to not lose sight of the importance of love and unity.
  2. During the sermon, Wiesemann criticized those who spread hatred and division, and emphasized the need to resist such forces in order to uphold human dignity and promote peace and justice, together with the Church in Speyer.
  3. Reflecting on the significance of the Christmas message, Wiesemann noted that it serves as a powerful reminder of our shared humanity and common roots, and urged the faithful to defend this essential beliefs in the face of growing intolerance and divisive voices.


