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Bishop Gerber: Communication with cultures can be fruitful

A musical as PR for the Catholic Church? According to the Bishop of Fulda, engaging with art can inspire the church anew. But then the church should not be a "closed milieu".

Bishop Michael Gerber of Fulda speaks during an interview.
Bishop Michael Gerber of Fulda speaks during an interview.

Catholic Church - Bishop Gerber: Communication with cultures can be fruitful

Bishop Michael Gerber of Fulda is looking forward to the new production of the musical "Boniface", which will be performed right on his doorstep on the cathedral square next summer. "For us as a church, it is exciting to experience how art, with its view from the outside, sheds new light on St. Boniface and his path, just as the cathedral was illuminated anew in 2019," said Gerber in an interview with the German Press Agency. This artistic examination could also inspire the church anew.

"There is a very important question behind this: how do we communicate with the cultures of our time?" said Gerber. "This may be a little strange for some church members, but if you take a closer look, it's about coming to terms with the life of Boniface." He would like to see something like this much more often. "It is important for a church that is getting smaller and facing major challenges to show that we are not a separate, closed milieu, but that we understand that We are in the middle of the world and communicating with people beyond our borders can fertilize and enrich us."

"The basic message of the musical is that there is a person - Boniface - who is deeply moved by faith and who is carried by his faith through very different and existentially challenging situations in his life," said Gerber, who has also been Deputy Chairman of the German Bishops' Conference for a few months. "Ultimately, it's good PR for the church."

Gerber has planned his vacation so that he will be in Fulda for the entire season in August 2024. The 53-year-old gave tickets as a Christmas present. When asked whether, as a fan of the musical, he could imagine working in the background as an extra, he waves it off: "I can't imagine that. I think that would look a bit weird."

The stage work "Bonifatius" by Fulda-based Spotlight Muscicals GmbH premiered in 2004. 20 years later, the play about the life and work of the missionary, who lived from 673 to around 754 AD, is to be presented in a new production on Fulda Cathedral Square with a new stage set and costumes. The cathedral façade will be staged with light and video effects, as in the 2019 performance. The cathedral also houses the tomb of the saint, who is also known as the Apostle of the Germans.

Diocese of Fulda Musical Boniface

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