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Bishop addresses suffering in the Middle East and Ukraine

The Bishop of Mainz, Peter Kohlgraf, made the suffering of many people in the Middle East and also in Ukraine a theme of his sermon on Christmas Day. After October 7, Jews have "our unreserved solidarity", Kohlgraf said on Monday in Mainz Cathedral with regard to Hamas' attack on Israel. He...

Candles burning before the Sunday service.
Candles burning before the Sunday service.

Church - Bishop addresses suffering in the Middle East and Ukraine

The Bishop of Mainz, Peter Kohlgraf, made the suffering of many people in the Middle East and also in Ukraine a theme of his sermon on Christmas Day. After October 7, Jews have "our unreserved solidarity", Kohlgraf said on Monday in Mainz Cathedral with regard to Hamas' attack on Israel. He called the situation in Palestinian Gaza unbearable. We can read that "an unmanageable hunger catastrophe is looming there".

Christmas in particular should also bring hope for peace, said the bishop. "I want to call out this hope to the people in Ukraine, but also to many suffering people in so many partly forgotten war and crisis regions of the world." Overall, 2023 was a year of wars, increasing religious disinterest, many crises and issues in the church and society.

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