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Bird falls from building - policeman saves it from cat

A young bird falls from a building in the Rhine-Neckar district. A police officer sees a cat approaching the animal - and rushes to the bird's aid.

A police officer probably saved a young kestrel from death.
A police officer probably saved a young kestrel from death.

Colorful - Bird falls from building - policeman saves it from cat

A police officer in Hockenheim, Rhein-Neckar-District, possibly saved a young bird's life from a cat. The police reported that the officer looked out of a police station window on Sunday due to loud bird chirping. While doing so, he noticed a young bird that had fallen from a building onto the street. A cat was approaching the bird, according to the police.

The police officer put on his gloves, rushed to the spot, and picked up the animal lying on the ground. The bird was then taken to the police station. At the animal rescue center, the animal was identified as a six-week-old peregrine falcon by the police. Despite the fall, the strictly protected bird remained unharmed and is now in good hands.

The incident occurred in the Rhine-Neckar district, specifically in Hockenheim, Baden-Württemberg. On a colorful Sunday, the police officer noticed the commotion. The approaching cat posed a threat to the young bird that had fallen from a building.

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