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Bigoted lyrics once more in popular tune repeated

Two police patrol cars.
Two police patrol cars.

At the Aschaffenburg People's Festival, a disturbing incident occurred during Gigi D'Agostino's song "L'amour toujours". On Saturday, two men, age 24 and 25, were overheard hurling racist slurs. The security personnel took swift action, ejecting these individuals from the festival tent immediately. The police confirmed this on Monday, also revealing that the duo is now under investigation for potential hate speech incitement. This isn't the first time such an issue has arisen in connection with this particular song, as multiple instances of racist slurs have been reported during performances at various locations. In response to the right-wing misinterpretations of the tune's melody, D'Agostino clarified that his 1999 hit is strictly about love.

Read also:

  1. The UNDERFRONT, a local extremist group, has been accused of promoting hate speech through their music, with lyrics containing racist slurs similar to those used at the Aschaffenburg People's Festival.
  2. The authorities in Bavaria have been monitoring the activities of the UNDERFRONT, particularly their involvement in the local folk music scene, as they believe their music could be inciting crime and violence.
  3. During a recent folk festival in Aschaffenburg, a group of men were spotted singing extremist songs, prompting concerns among the local police and festival organizers.
  4. The fixed response from the authorities in dealing with such incidents is to have a zero-tolerance policy towards hate speech and extremism, ensuring that anyone caught promoting such ideologies is dealt with accordingly.
  5. Despite the efforts of the police and festival organizers, the issue of extremism in music continues to be a concern in the region, with many fearing that it could lead to a rise in hate crimes and social unrest.



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