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Bierhoff sees competition for Patriots

From soccer to soccer: Former DFB director Bierhoff is involved with the New England Patriots. They are a fan magnet in Germany, but are currently struggling.

Oliver Bierhoff speaks at an
Oliver Bierhoff speaks at an

Bierhoff sees competition for Patriots

Oliver Bierhoff, an official working for the New England Patriots, believes his new NFL club has the greatest audience potential. "In terms of fanbase, the Patriots are definitely the most popular team in Germany. That is certainly due to their long history of success with six Super Bowl titles," Bierhoff told the German Press Agency. The traditional club will play against the Indianapolis Colts in Frankfurt on Sunday (3.30 pm/RTL and DAZN). Thousands of Patriots fans are expected at the 2006 World Cup stadium.

Since the departure of superstar quarterback Tom Brady, things have not been going particularly well in sporting terms. They have lost seven out of nine games so far this season. Bierhoff does not see the Patriots' supremacy as a given in terms of fan support. "People like heroes. That's why the Chiefs with Mahomes and Kelce are popular at the moment and get a lot of attention here too," said the 55-year-old, who works as a consultant for the Patriots.

The Chiefs are not only Super Bowl winners, but also have the star of the league in playmaker Patrick Mahomes. Travis Kelce was recently photographed flirting with pop giant Taylor Swift. Bierhoff is generally enthusiastic about the NFL concept. "The Americans do it very smartly. Above all, they see sport as a business that guarantees top sporting performance," said the former international.


