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Bielefeld District Court rules on the case without a body

The evidence in a trial against a 38-year-old man for murder is overwhelming according to the prosecution, while the defense sees it differently. Now, the judges must render a verdict.

- Bielefeld District Court rules on the case without a body

In a murder trial without a body, the Regional Court of Bielefeld will deliver its verdict today (9:00 AM). The prosecution, overwhelmed by the evidence, had called for a life sentence for murder driven by greed.

The defense lawyers for the 38-year-old defendant are seeking an acquittal, arguing that without a body or a crime scene, there can be no perpetrator.

The trial concerns the suspected death of a businessman from Hüllhorst in Ostwestphalia, who has been missing for nearly a year. A 38-year-old German man from Enger in the Herford district is on trial. He is accused of killing the businessman (66) to gain his property and assets. The case gained nationwide attention.

The businessman's car was found in the Netherlands after his disappearance. The investigators found the matching car key, the vehicle registration, credit card, passport, and a Bulgarian ID card belonging to the suspected victim with the defendant. Furthermore, a handwriting expert testified that the defendant had forged the presumed dead man's signature on a note.

A cadaver dog alerted on the businessman's property. Additionally, forensic evidence found the 66-year-old's blood there and the defendant's DNA in the sports car.

The 38-year-old defendant will be facing the verdict from the Regional Court of Bielefeld for his alleged involvement in the murder of the businessman. Regardless of the evidence presented by both sides, the final decision rests with the Regional Court.

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