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Biden simplifies green card application process for U.S. spouses

U.S. President Joe Biden has simplified the process for over a hundred thousand partners of U.S. citizens to acquire a permanent residency permit. Biden asserted at the White House in Washington on Tuesday, "We can ensure border security while offering legal avenues to citizenship." Criticism...

US President Biden in Washington on Tuesday
US President Biden in Washington on Tuesday

Biden simplifies green card application process for U.S. spouses

During his recent announcement, President Biden urged understanding for the new immigration policies aimed at individuals living illegally in the US. Ex-president Trump countered this, alleging that Biden is merely stirring up fear among citizens.

The new rules, affecting around 600,000 individuals (as per government estimations, with an additional 50,000 US citizen step-children) who have been residents in the US for at least a decade, married a US citizen or permanent resident before June 17, 2024, are set to streamline spouse application processes. Reports suggest that applicants will no longer be required to leave the country while their applications are processed initially, receiving a work permit and a temporary three-year residency permit instead. Upon obtaining a Green Card after the completion of the process, they can apply for US citizenship.

On Tuesday, the government also eased access to work visas for Dreamers - immigrants who arrived in the US as minors - provided they hold a college degree and have a job offer.

Immigration remains a hot topic in the ongoing US presidential race, with the opposition Republicans, led by Trump, criticizing Biden for his perceived leniency towards illegal immigration from Mexico. A stricter immigration bill was blocked in the US Congress at the end of May.

Biden and the Democratic party accuse the Republicans and Trump of obstructing these plans as they aim to capitalize on the US-Mexico border's vulnerabilities for political gain. Trump, known for his harsh rhetoric against immigrants, has often labeled them as a security risk to the US in his campaigns.

Biden toughened border rules for migrants two weeks ago independently, but distanced himself from Trump's hardline stance by easeing these new rules.

Trump lashed out again at Biden on Tuesday, claiming he's standing idle in the face of the "invasion" of illegal immigrants and instead offering a "mass amnesty."

Mexican President Obrador expressed his support for the measures, describing them as a "positive step."

The American Business Immigration Coalition applauded Biden's reform as "morally right, economically sensible, and politically shrewd," according to Rebecca Shi, the organization's executive director.

Read also:

  1. Republicans, led by Trump, have criticized President Biden for his perceived leniency towards illegal immigration from Mexico, particularly in the ongoing US presidential race.
  2. The new immigration policies announced by President Biden aim to simplify the green card application process for US citizen spouses and their stepchildren, as well as Dreamers who meet certain criteria.
  3. Under the new rules, applicants will no longer be required to leave the country while their green card applications are processed, instead receiving a work permit and a temporary three-year residency permit.
  4. The US President's invitation to understand the new immigration policies has been met with opposition from former President Trump, who alleged that Biden is merely stirring up fear among citizens.
  5. Trump has accused Biden of standing idle in the face of an "invasion" of illegal immigrants and instead offering a "mass amnesty," while Biden distanced himself from Trump's hardline stance by easing border rules for migrants.
  6. Mexican President Obrador has expressed his support for Biden's measures, describing them as a "positive step," while the American Business Immigration Coalition applauded the reform as "morally right, economically sensible, and politically shrewd."



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