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Biden sees progress in negotiations for a ceasefire in Gaza

According to US-President Joe Biden's statements during negotiations for a ceasefire in the Gaza conflict between Israel and Hamas, progress is being made. However, there are still differences that need to be resolved. 'Progress is being made,' said Biden at a press conference after the Nato...

Biden at NATO summit in Washington
Biden at NATO summit in Washington

Biden sees progress in negotiations for a ceasefire in Gaza

Looking back, there are many things "that I would have liked to convince the Israelis of," said Biden. "But the crucial thing is that we now have a chance. It's time to end this war," stressed the US President.

In May, Biden proposed a plan for an "immediate and complete" ceasefire between Israel and the Islamic Hamas. This plan includes the withdrawal of the Israeli army from populated areas in the Gaza Strip and the release of Hamas-held hostages in exchange for Palestinian prisoners.

According to US diplomats, progress was made in the latest round of negotiations, which ended on Thursday in Qatar. Previous negotiations, which have been ongoing for months under the mediation of Qatar, Egypt, and the US, had been fruitless.

Biden criticized the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Israel, he said, has not been "very cooperative." "This war cabinet is one of the most conservative war cabinets in the history of Israel," he added, reiterating his demand for a Two-State Solution.

Regarding the US-built temporary pier on the Gaza Strip coast for the delivery of humanitarian aid, Biden expressed disappointment. He had hoped that the $230 million project (approximately €210 million) would be more successful. The US plans to dismantle the pier due to persistent problems, including high waves.

  1. At the NATO Summit, Joe Biden discussed the importance of achieving a weapon cease-fire in the ongoing gas war between Israel and Hamas.
  2. The US-President expressed his desire for significant progress in the negotiations between Israel, Hamas, and other mediators, such as Egypt and Qatar.
  3. Biden criticized the lack of cooperation from the Israeli government, led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in ending the conflict and pursuing the Two-State Solution.
  4. Amidst the profound disappointment over the challenges faced by the US-built temporary pier in Gaza, the United States of America is considering alternative means to deliver humanitarian aid to the Gazastrip.
  5. The Biden administration has been actively engaged in promoting negotiations between the Israeli regime and Hamas, aiming to secure a mutually acceptable peace agreement.
  6. Despite previous fruitless negotiations, the latest round of talks brought about some progress, with hopes of a comprehensive resolution to the gas war.
  7. Catar, Washington, and other international stakeholders have called for an immediate ceasefire, citing the grave humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip and the urgent need for a peaceful resolution.
  8. The Biden administration's stance on the gas war is clear – they advocate for a negotiated settlement, aimed at bringing about lasting peace and progress for both Israel and its neighbors.

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