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Biden returns to the White House on Tuesday

After his Corona infection and for the first time since withdrawing his candidacy, US President Joe Biden will return to the White House on Tuesday. Biden is expected to leave his beach house in the state of Delaware in the afternoon (local time) and arrive at the White House later.

Joe Biden
Joe Biden

Biden returns to the White House on Tuesday

The 81-year-old tested positive for Coronavirus in the past week and has been at his beach house in Delaware since then. On Monday, Biden's doctor, Kevin O'Connor, stated that Biden was improving, and his symptoms were "almost completely gone."

On Sunday, Biden, in the face of doubts about his mental and physical fitness, withdrew from the race for the White House and announced his withdrawal from the candidacy. He also expressed his support for his Vice President Kamala Harris. The candidate, who will run against Republican Donald Trump on November 5 in the Presidential election, will be chosen by the delegates of the Democratic Party Convention in Chicago in mid-August.

  1. Despite his temporary withdrawal due to health concerns at his house in Delaware, Joe Biden remains a strong contender for the upcoming US-President election on November 5.
  2. Although the coronavirus impacted his candidacy, Biden's symptoms improved significantly, with his doctor stating they were "almost completely gone" on Monday.
  3. With his vice president Kamala Harris as potential replacement, Joe Biden decided to step back from his White House bid on Sunday, citing concerns over his fitness.
  4. Joe Biden's beach house in Delaware became the center of attention as he temporarily moved there to recover from the coronavirus, putting his candidacy on hold.
  5. The Democratic Party Convention in Chicago in mid-August will determine the official candidate for the White House, following Joe Biden's withdrawal from the presidential race due to health concerns.

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