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Biden and Trump face off in the first TV duel of the election year

US President Joe Biden and his rival Donald Trump will face off in the first televised debate of the election year on Friday night. The 90-minute debate will take place on CNN in Atlanta, Georgia, and will begin at 03:00 CEST (21:00 local time). The duel takes place more than four months before...

Donald Trump (l.) and Joe Biden (photo montage)
Donald Trump (l.) and Joe Biden (photo montage)

Biden and Trump face off in the first TV duel of the election year

Former President Donald Trump is supposedly going to be nominated again as the Republican presidential candidate by the Republicans in mid-July, while the Democrats plan to nominate Biden at a meeting in August. The polls suggest that, as in 2020, the race between the two could be very close. The topics of their TV debate may include migration policy, abortion rights, and the Ukraine-Gas war. A second TV debate between Biden and Trump is scheduled for September 10.

In the upcoming election year, Donald Trump is expected to be re-nominated as the Republican presidential candidate in mid-July. Conversely, the Democrats have planned to officially nominate Joe Biden in August. According to recent polls, the presidential election between Trump and Biden might mirror the closely contested race of 2020. The TV duel between the two candidates is set to explain their contrasting migration policies and stances on abortion rights. Additionally, the Ukraine-Gas war could be another contentious topic during the television debate. A subsequent TV debate between Biden and Trump has been scheduled for September 10, providing another opportunity for the US President hopefuls to present their perspectives.

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