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Bicyclist severely injured in accident in Grimmen

A 62-year-old is cycling on the road in Grimmen. While a driver intends to turn, an accident occurs.

A 62-year-old cyclist was hit by a turning car in Grimmen (photo symbol)
A 62-year-old cyclist was hit by a turning car in Grimmen (photo symbol)

The car records - Bicyclist severely injured in accident in Grimmen

A 62-year-old cyclist was seriously injured in a traffic accident in Grimmen (Vorpommern-Ruegen District). The man was hit by an automobile on a two-way bicycle path in the afternoon on Saturday, according to a police spokesperson. Emergency services transported the severely injured man to a hospital. The 36-year-old driver reportedly remained unharmed. The investigation into the cause of the accident is ongoing.

The traffic accident occurred within the District of Vorpommern-Rügen, specifically in Grimmen. Many people in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern are concerned about the increasing number of traffic accidents. The bicycle path where the accident occurred is commonly used by cyclists for their daily commute. It's important to promote automatic braking systems in automobiles to reduce the severity of such accidents.

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