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Bicyclist plunges eight meters into watery depths, facing critical circumstances.

A thirty-eight-year-old individual tumbles off a wall while riding his bicycle.

A biker sustained significant injuries following a fall.
A biker sustained significant injuries following a fall.

- Bicyclist plunges eight meters into watery depths, facing critical circumstances.

A biker tumbled an astounding eight meters in Olsberg, located in the Upper Sauerland District, sustaining critical injuries. The 39-year-old lad lost grip of his steed following a sharp left turn, colliding with a rocky cliff and subsequently tumbling over a 40-centimeter-high barrier onto the other side of the road, as per firefighters' reports. He was extracted from the riverbank utilizing a specialized stretcher, given medical attention in an ambulance, and then transported via air to a specialized hospital in Dortmund. Numerous emergency personnel and local volunteers participated in the rescue operation.

The fall from the eight-meter height was deemed life-threatening due to the biker's critical injuries. Upon arrival at the specialized hospital in Dortmund, the medical team faced a life-threatening situation while trying to stabilize the biker.

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