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Bianca Rech new director at Bayern women's soccer team

The women's soccer department at FC Bayern is now a directorate. The new director has now also been appointed.

Bianca Rech, new director of the former women's soccer department of FC Bayern Munich, speaks into...
Bianca Rech, new director of the former women's soccer department of FC Bayern Munich, speaks into the microphone.

Soccer - Bianca Rech new director at Bayern women's soccer team

Bianca Rech will be the new Director of the previously female football department of FC Bayern Munchen. The Munich club announced this on Friday as part of the restructuring of the female football department into a Directorate.

"With the restructuring of the women's department into a Directorate, we want to give women's football at FC Bayern the importance it deserves," said Sporting Director Max Eberl.

Ex-Bayern player Rech had become the department head at the Munich women's team a year ago. The next step followed. "The new structure means a great appreciation: It increases our visibility and is another decisive major step in the professionalization of women's football at FC Bayern," said the 43-year-old.

Under Rech's leadership, the Bayern footballers secured the German championship in the previous season. Already in 2016, the previous team manager of 1. FC Cologne returned to Munich, where she first worked under her predecessor Karin Danner in the team management.

Press release

  1. Bianca Rech, a former FC Bayern Munich player, will now lead the Women's Soccer department as its Director, following the club's restructuring in Munich.
  2. As part of the restructuring, FC Bayern Munich's Women's Soccer department is elevated to a Directorate, demonstrating the club's commitment to Women's Soccer in Germany and Bavaria.
  3. The newly appointed Director, Rech, had previously served as the department head for the Munich women's team for a year and managed to secure the Bundesliga title for FC Bayern Munich in the previous season.
  4. FC Bayern Munich, one of the most prestigious soccer clubs in Germany and Bavaria, with the acronym FC Bayern evident in 'FC Bayern Munich' and 'FC Bayern Munich Women', continues its journey in shaping women's soccer in Germany.

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