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BGH confirms judgment on severed head

The Federal Court of Justice (BGH) has confirmed the verdict against a man who laid a human head in front of the Bonn Regional Court in the summer of 2022. "The case is now closed and the deceased can rest in peace," said the presiding judge of the second criminal senate, Ekkehard Appl, in...

The police have cordoned off the area in front of the Bonn District Court.
The police have cordoned off the area in front of the Bonn District Court.

Process - BGH confirms judgment on severed head

The Federal Court of Justice (BGH) has confirmed the verdict against a man who laid a human head in front of the Bonn Regional Court in the summer of 2022. "The case is now closed and the deceased can rest in peace," said the presiding judge of the second criminal senate, Ekkehard Appl, in Karlsruhe on Wednesday. In January, the Bonn Regional Court had sentenced the then 39-year-old man to one and a half years in prison without probation for disturbing the peace of the dead. (Ref. 2 StR 270/23)

According to the findings of the regional court, the man had placed the head of his friend, who had previously died of tuberculosis, in front of the court in June 2022. Both were homeless. The court was unable to determine with certainty whether the man had also cut off the head beforehand. According to the BGH, this was unobjectionable, as was the assumption of the man's culpability.

As the review of the verdict did not reveal any other legal errors, the judges dismissed the appeals of the defendant and the public prosecutor's office. The verdict is therefore final.


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The man's trial for this act of criminality took place at the Bonn Regional Court in Northern Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. The Federal Court of Justice, located in Karlsruhe, later reviewed and upheld the regional court's verdict. Despite the appeals from both the defendant and the public prosecutor's office, the final processes in this case have now been completed.




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