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BFV collaborates with the public prosecutor's office.

The Berlin Football Association plans to enhance its response to criminal incidents by collaborating with the public prosecutor's office, streamlining the process of initiating legal proceedings.

Bernd Schultz, President of the Berlin Football Association.
Bernd Schultz, President of the Berlin Football Association.

Opposing hate crimes - BFV collaborates with the public prosecutor's office.

The Berlin Football Association (BFV) and the Berlin Public Prosecutor's Office have formed a close partnership to combat hate crimes. This collaboration means that the BFV will notify the Public Prosecutor's Office of any hate crimes they discover nearly every time. The goal is to swiftly integrate the information to avoid losing crucial evidence and to support the victims in their legal struggles.

BFV President, Bernd Schultz, views this as a significant step. He firmly believes that insults, discrimination, and unruly behavior have no place in football, as they are incompatible with the sport's key principles of fair play and respect.

Referees will still be responsible for reporting instances of unacceptable conduct during matches. However, the BFV's Violence and Discrimination Contact Point will now examine these cases more closely, considering not just whether they warrant a referral to the Sports Court but also if they should be reported to the Berlin Public Prosecutor's Office. This will help avoid legal loopholes.

BFV Press Release

Read also:

  1. The collaboration between the Berlin Football Association (BFV) and the public prosecutor's office has led to an increase in the reporting of criminal offenses, such as hate crimes, during soccer matches in Berlin.
  2. The Berlin Public Prosecutor's Office has seen an uptick in reports of violent incidents at soccer games since the BFV started working closely with them to combat hate crimes.
  3. The BFV's Violence and Discrimination Contact Point has identified several incidents as hate crimes, which were then handed over to the Berlin Public Prosecutor's Office for further investigation as criminal offenses.
  4. The partnership between the BFV and the public prosecutor's office has shown promising results in the fight against hate crimes in soccer, prompting calls for similar partnerships in other cities and sports associations.

