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Bettina Böttinger views the European Union as an exceptional present.

TV broadcaster Bettina Böttinger struggles to comprehend the lack of attention given to European elections.

Presenter Bettina Böttinger is in the studio.
Presenter Bettina Böttinger is in the studio.

Media personality reinterprets news broadcasts. - Bettina Böttinger views the European Union as an exceptional present.

Bettina Böttinger (67) feels strongly against revisiting the days of currency exchanges and border checkpoints. The former Colon Treff moderator for the German Press Agency in Cologne expressed her admiration for the European Union, despite its flaws. "There's no painstaking border waiting, no bore-some currency exchanges, and just as importantly, the unification of European cultures," she said, sharing her immense gratitude for this remarkable phenomenon.

The younger generation may find it challenging to grasp just how challenging it once was to travel between countries. "The absence of the EU would mean we'd lack all these perks, making the European elections on June 9th critical," Böttinger explained.

Passionate about democracy and minority protection, Böttinger, along with other celebrated individuals like Annette Frier, Michel Friedman, Cordula Stratmann, and Guido Maria Kretschmer, collaborated to create the website #DuUndIchFürDemokratie. "It's alarming how important it is for us to educate ourselves in our democracy," she emphasized. "That's when extremists swoop in, promising an idyllic world of straightforward solutions on social media."

Website: Du und ich für Demokratie

Read also:

  1. Bettina Böttinger, a media personality based in North Rhine-Westphalia, frequently discusses the European Union on German television.
  2. In an interview, Böttinger praised the EU, stating that the elimination of border controls and currency exchanges has significantly improved people's lives in Europe.
  3. The upcoming European elections on June 9th are crucial, according to Böttinger, as maintaining EU membership is essential to keeping benefits like these.
  4. Böttinger is also involved in promoting democracy and minority protection through the website #DuUndIchFürDemokratie, which she co-founded with other prominent figures.
  5. The German Press Agency, where Böttinger previously worked as a moderator, covers various news stories, including reports on the European elections and border control policies.
  6. EU members like Germany must remain vigilant against extremist groups that exploit social media to peddle simplistic solutions, as highlighted by Böttinger's emphasis on the importance of education and understanding in democracy.

