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Berlin's Statistical Office Reports: Over one hundred heat-related fatalities in 2023

In 2023, Berlin experienced over one hundred heat-related fatalities, as reported by the Office for Statistics. The neighboring Brandenburg region saw 51 such deaths. Research has established a link between heatwaves and mortality rates.

Moderator Georg Restle (l-r), Redaktionsleiter der ARD-Sendung Monitor, Agnieszka Lada-Konefal,...
Moderator Georg Restle (l-r), Redaktionsleiter der ARD-Sendung Monitor, Agnieszka Lada-Konefal, Stellvertretende Direktorin des Deutschen Polen-Instituts, Giovanni Capoccia, Politikwissenschaftler, und Natascha Strobl, Politikwissenschaftlerin.

In Berlin last year, 106 people succumbed to heat-related causes, slightly surpassing the yearly average of 98 deaths. Meanwhile, Brandenburg had 51 heat-related fatalities, which was slightly lower than the average of 59 from 1985 to 2022. These figures were shared by the Statistical Office Berlin-Brandenburg. The RKI (Robert Koch Institute) considers heat-related deaths to be individuals mainly passing away from heat stroke. However, they can also include those already struggling with heart-circulatory or lung issues. The relatively low incidence in 2023 can be attributed to the more moderate temperatures at the tail end of July and the beginning of August.

The Statistical Office made note of a direct link between heat days and increased mortality. They define heat days as any day where the daily average temperature climbs above 23 degrees Celsius. In Berlin, there were 15 heat days last year, compared to 23 in 2022. In Brandenburg, they recorded eight heat days in 2023.

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