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Berlin well prepared for partial election rerun

According to Interior Senator Iris Spranger, Berlin is well prepared for the partial rerun of the Bundestag elections on February 11 ordered by the Constitutional Court. "The ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court creates legal and planning certainty," the SPD politician told the German...

Iris Spranger (SPD), Senator of the Interior in Berlin, speaks at a press conference after talks
Iris Spranger (SPD), Senator of the Interior in Berlin, speaks at a press conference after talks at the Conference of Interior Ministers (IMK).

Interior Senator - Berlin well prepared for partial election rerun

According to Interior Senator Iris Spranger,Berlin is well prepared for the partial rerun of the Bundestag elections on February 11 ordered by the Constitutional Court. "The ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court creates legal and planning certainty," the SPD politician told the German Press Agency on Tuesday. State election director Stephan Bröchler had already met with the districts in the run-up to the ruling and initiated the planning.

"Organizing a repeat election in such a short space of time is a major challenge," said Spranger. "The state returning officer has my full support in carrying out this repeat election properly. Berlin has shown in the repeat election to the House of Representatives that it can organize proper elections."

On Tuesday, the Federal Constitutional Court ruled that the 2021 general election in Berlin would have to be partially repeated due to numerous glitches. Last February, the election to the Berlin House of Representatives had already been completely repeated following a ruling by the state constitutional court. Like the Bundestag election, it had taken place on September 26, 2021 and was also marked by glitches and electoral errors.

Announcement of the court Negotiation outline Decision of the Bundestag Information of the Bundestag on the topic Statement of the court Statement Wegner on the ruling

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