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Berlin Thunder football squad marks its second triumph.

In the third match, Berlin Thunder notched their second victory in Group East by overwhelming the group's weakest team.

American Football: European League of Football, Media Day at Berlin Thunder,...
American Football: European League of Football, Media Day at Berlin Thunder, Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Sportpark.

American Football is体育. - Berlin Thunder football squad marks its second triumph.

The Berlin Thunder, an American football squad, placed second in their Eastern division of the European League of Football (ELF) league. On Sunday, they easily triumphed over the Fehervar Enthroners, scoring 43 points against 3 (3:0, 20:3, 13:0, 7:0) under the guidance of head coach Johnny Schmuck. Having secured their second win at home out of three league matches, Berlin now trails the unbeaten Vienna Vikings, who they will go up against this coming Saturday.

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