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Berlin's Governing Mayor Wegner speaks in the Columned Hall of the Rotes
Berlin's Governing Mayor Wegner speaks in the Columned Hall of the Rotes

Berlin Senate discusses Olympic Games

The Berlin Senate is discussing the topic of the Olympic Games today (10 a.m.). It is planned that it will sign a so-called Memorandum of Understanding for a national bid in which Berlin wants to participate. The CDU and SPD had confirmed in the coalition agreement that Berlin would be available as a venue for a possible national bid to host the Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games in Germany.

Berlin's Governing Mayor Kai Wegner (CDU) said back in September that there was a unique opportunity to launch a national bid with the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB), in which Berlin would play an outstanding role as the capital and sports metropolis alongside other cities. "The sporting infrastructure in Berlin is very good, 70 percent of Olympic Games could already take place here. Berlin would also benefit greatly from this - in terms of infrastructure expansion or housing construction."

The 2036 or 2040 Summer Games would be conceivable for Berlin, although there is clear criticism of 2036 - exactly 100 years after the Nazis instrumentalized the competitions for their own purposes. Klara Schedlich, sports policy spokesperson for the Green parliamentary group, warned that holding the Games then would be risky. "Everyone associates 1936 with propaganda, with racism, with the Third Reich."

The Berlin Senate's discussions about the Olympic Games today involve a potential national bid for the Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games, with Olympia being one of the cities considered due to Berlin's excellent sports infrastructure. The Senator for Sport and Senator for the Olympic Games in the German state's parliament, Olympia, will play a significant role in this process if Berlin's bid is successful.




Ex-German Federal Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher found on the veranda of the German...

Upon Genscher's renowned, abbreviated declaration.

Upon Genscher's renowned, abbreviated declaration. In 1989, thousands of East Germans yearned for change and sought refuge at the West German embassy in Prague, hoping to escape to the West. On September 30, the embassy crowd received some good news from Federal Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher. Jens Hase,

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