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Berlin parties switch to election campaign mode

Karlsruhe has provided clarity, now it's the parties' turn in Berlin. Another short winter election campaign is on the cards.

View into the plenary chamber of the German Bundestag.
View into the plenary chamber of the German Bundestag.

Repetition - Berlin parties switch to election campaign mode

Following the ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court on the partial rerun of the Bundestag elections in Berlin, the parties are switching into campaign mode. The SPD ordered posters, flyers and small gifts for campaign stands on Tuesday, the day of the Karlsruhe ruling, a spokesperson said on Wednesday. Like other parties, the SPD plans to start putting up election posters on January 2. Following the court's ruling, the 2021 federal election in Berlin will have to be repeated on February 11 due to numerous glitches in a good fifth of the 2256 constituencies.

"Our focus is on campaigning for a high voter turnout so that Berlin does not lose any votes in the German Bundestag," said the SPD spokesperson. "That's why the Berlin SPD will be campaigning throughout the city, naturally with a focus on the areas particularly affected by the repeat election."

The party not only wants to put up posters, but also seek direct contact with voters, for example at information stands or door-to-door visits. The online election campaign will also be a focal point. SPD state chairwoman Franziska Giffey had already announced a "short but intensive" election campaign on Tuesday.

"The repeat election campaign offers many priceless opportunities to denounce the irresponsible policies of the governing parties at federal and state level and to present our solutions," explained AfD state chairwoman Kristin Brinker. "We will not let this opportunity pass us by."

FDP state managing director Marcel Schwemmlein said that the election campaign "starts now" for the Liberals. The party had been preparing various scenarios for some time and was now starting the campaign. Plans include large and small posters, social media activities and classic street campaigning.

It is no secret that the parties will only have limited funds available after the 2021 elections to the Bundestag, House of Representatives and district assemblies as well as the repeat elections to the state and district parliaments in February 2023. They are holding back on exact figures: the SPD does not provide any information, while the FDP speaks of an adequate budget in the "lower six-figure" range. AfD leader Brinker said: "The budget is smaller than for a 'normal' election campaign, but we will make the best of it."

Federal Constitutional Court statement on the ruling from 19.12.

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