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Berlin hopes for further commitments for Ukraine's air defense at NATO summit

The German government is hoping for further commitments for the delivery of air defense systems to Ukraine at this week's NATO summit. Talks on the additional Patriot air defense systems requested by Kiev are still ongoing and will "perhaps even continue during the summit", a high-ranking...

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Berlin hopes for further commitments for Ukraine's air defense at NATO summit

The NATO celebrates its 75-year anniversary at the summit of its heads of state and government in Washington from Tuesday to Thursday. The Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy requested seven additional Patriot-Systems in light of Russia's massive air raids. Three have been agreed upon or delivered so far, one from Germany. The USA are still undecided on whether and when they will provide Patriots.

The NATO will activate its defense plans discussed last year at the summit. They are a response to the heightened threat situation in Europe since Russia's aggression war. Germany has agreed to keep 35,000 soldiers in high readiness for the military alliance, ready to be deployed quickly in NATO crisis areas.

The NATO members will show with their summit declaration that "our support for Ukraine does not wane," said the government representative. They have made 40 billion Euros available to Kiev annually. Military aid and the training of Ukrainian soldiers by alliance partners should be coordinated by the NATO in the future. "However, it remains that the NATO does not take on an active role in Ukraine or participates in combat operations."

Cooperation with Ukraine is to be strengthened through a new analysis, training, and research center in Poland (Jatec). It aims to "build a close exchange with Ukraine to learn from its experiences in defense, for example, against drones or electronic warfare."

Regarding the debate on German defense spending, which will be lower than hoped for by Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) in the coming year, the government representative expects no questions in Washington. From the US administration, there has been praise and gratitude for Germany's engagement since the beginning of the "turning point," he said. The Chancellor has also just announced that German defense spending will reach 80 billion Euros by 2028 to maintain the NATO goal of spending two percent of GDP on defense.

Nineteen countries including Germany will come together directly after the summit, those that have already signed bilateral security agreements with Ukraine. It is about "reaffirming commitments," said the government representative. However, it is not about the founding of a kind of "NATO light" of alliance partners who would support Ukraine in a special way.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) will meet the new British Prime Minister Keir Starmer and French President Emmanuel Macron for bilateral talks at the summit's margins - with Macron, it could also be about the situation after the parliamentary elections.

A bilateral meeting with US President Joe Biden is not planned at present, but talks on the sidelines of the summit are likely to take place as usual. The US debate about Biden's health status and his presidential candidacy again should not be commented on by the government representative. However, Scholz may be asked about it in Washington. The Chancellor will also give an interview to the US television station CBS on Thursday morning.

  1. Germany has provided one Patriot air defense missile system to Ukraine, following the requests made by President Volodymyr Selenskyy due to Russia's air raids.
  2. During the NATO summit in Washington, discussions about further deploying Patriot air defense systems to Ukraine were brought up, with the USA yet to make a decision.
  3. The SPD, being a part of Germany's Federal Government, is expected to address topics related to defense spending and commitments during the NATO summit.
  4. The NATO members, including Germany, are committing to reinforce their support for Ukraine, which includes providing military aid and training for Ukrainian soldiers.
  5. Germany, along with 18 other NATO countries, will participate in meetings post-summit to reaffirm commitments towards Ukraine, aiming to strengthen their cooperation.
  6. Germany's military engagement in support of NATO's objectives has received positive feedback from the USA, with the administration expressing gratitude towards Berlin's involvement.
  7. The German Chancellor Olaf Scholz will hold bilateral talks with British Prime Minister Keir Starmer and French President Emmanuel Macron during the NATO summit's sidelines, focusing on various international issues.
  8. The relations between Germany and the USA, specifically concerning President Joe Biden's health status and presidential candidacy, may be discussed during the NATO summit's side conversations.
  9. During the NATO summit in Washington, Chancellor Scholz is scheduled to give an interview to US television station CBS, providing insights on the discussions and events happening at the summit.

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