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Berlin Greens elect new state executive: outcome open

The Berlin Greens are electing a new state executive. Susanne Mertens, one of the state chairpersons, is not standing again. The party is unsure what the new leadership should look like.

Regional chairpersons Susanne Mertens and Philmon Ghirma speak at a regional delegates'
Regional chairpersons Susanne Mertens and Philmon Ghirma speak at a regional delegates' conference.

Conference of Delegates - Berlin Greens elect new state executive: outcome open

The Berlin Green Party is reorganizing its leadership. At a state delegates' conference on Saturday in Berlin-Moabit, the election of the state executive board is on the agenda. A key motion entitled "Transformation of the economy - new prosperity in a new era" will also be discussed and adopted. And the state chairpersons Susanne Mertens and Philmon Ghirmai want to present the first results of the structural reform that the party has undertaken, as both announced on Wednesday.

Greens want to adopt new key motion

The question of who will lead the Berlin Greens in the future has recently led to internal discussions and uncertainty. Mertens and Ghirmai were only elected as the Greens' usual dual leadership in December 2021, Ghirmai with 94.3 percent and Mertens with just 68.9 percent.

The trained banker and business graduate was not without controversy afterwards. She belongs to the Realo wing of the party and did not receive full support there either. Instead, the Reala Tanja Prinz from the Tempelhof-Schöneberg district association announced at the end of October that she wanted to run for the dual leadership alongside Ghirmai.

Mertens did not receive the necessary majority from the Realo wing

At a meeting of the Realo wing just under three weeks ago, a vote was held in which Prinz was narrowly ahead with 83 votes to 78. Two days later, Mertens declared that she would not stand again in the Board election. However, the question is whether Prinz will get a majority at the state delegates' conference - and what will happen if she does not.

Prinz represents a section of the Realos who have voiced clear internal criticism of the state executive and the course of the Berlin Greens. They attribute the fact that the party is no longer part of the state government to mistakes made by the Greens and want to form a stronger counterweight to the left. Some Berlin Greens fear that the risk of internal infighting would then increase again.

Ghirmai, who holds a doctorate in history and is the district chairman of the Greens in Neukölln, is considered to belong to the left-wing camp. It is very likely that he will receive a majority of the 150 or so delegates on Saturday. And even in the run-up to the event, there was no sign of any interest in running against him.

Report in the "Tagesspiegel" from 4.12.

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